Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mommy Group

I was part of a mommy group outing to Sawyer Park and Cider Hill.  Those pictures of Henry and Hazel are the sound of constant screeching!  That's the elusive Joshie in the middle.  And finally DONUTS!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Henry at Pre-School

These photos are from a Photo Journal that the teachers are keeping at Bright Horizons daycare in Newburyport. Henry started pre-school two days a week in mid May. The scans a low quality images of color printer photos, but they capture his first days in a school room with other kids. The little girl in the purple shirt is Henry's adorable girlfriend Avery. Avery Luuuuvs Henry!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Beautiful Boy

Liane was experimenting today with the new "retro camera" app on her android cell phone and took this wonderful picture.