Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Story tellin'

These are screen captures from a video I took of Henry telling a long-winded story….

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Monkey Joe's Party

Henry's kids birthday party a Monkey Joe's in Danvers.  Is old buddy Ben is back (in the light blue shirt).  Sam & Celia are on the slide with Henry.  Look at the joy on those faces!

More Monkey Joe's


Thursday, August 21, 2014

Onslaught Of The Cousins!

Not quiet once Owen & Charlotte get to town.  Santa's Village, Jackson NH.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I love this sweet boy!

Farmhouse in the White Mts.

Liane & Henry got to spend a quiet night alone way up in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.  On a dirt road miles from the next house.  They made a fire and saw a bear!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Birthday Note for Henry

Six years ago today this baby boy came into our lives.  It's been 2191 days of joy, laughs and companionship.  I love you so much, Henry!


Today Henry is six years old!  And I'm 48.  This is our third year straight going to Canobie Lake Park with Memere and Pepere on August 15th.  Henry likes the big rides now.  Look at the thrill on his face!

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Henry got to open one of his birthday presents a day early: a tent!  Here we are "camping" on the deck.  Liane and I took turns sleeping on the deck with Henry every night for at least the next week!

Day before our birthday

Seafood on the water at Plum Island.

So tall!

He looks insanely tall in this picture.  Wearing one of his art projects.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Wait A Minute Mr. Postman!

At the Children's Museum (Henry calls it the Kids' Museum) in Dover, NH

Monday, August 11, 2014

Opening birthday cards

What, no money?  Henry likes dollars and coins these days.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Just like the old days

This year we've stopped going to Sawyer Park on the swings or to Cider Hill farm to get cider donuts and feed the chickens.  Henry outgrew these weekly father/son outings and spent the spring and summer playing at home with his neighborhood friends.  Oddly, right before 1st grade started, he asked me if we could do both today.  I think he was doing it for me, not him.  Sweet boy.