Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Beach day with Mommy

Kingston State Park, Kingston NH

Thursday, June 21, 2018

It All Went Awfully Fast

The first day of kindergarten (9/9/13) and the last day of fourth grade (6/21/18).  It's on to middle school in the fall.  My boy.  I love you.

Last Day Of Fourth Grade

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Henry The Man receiving his Diploma!

I'm so proud my heart is bursting.

You Can Count On Me

Henry's class graduation song.  No doubt this will make me cry for many years to come.  My little angel.

Out Of Line

Henry excited in the class line, heading to the stage for graduation.


Hopefully the first of many.

Graduation Day

The Big Graduation Day.  Five years at AES over in a flash.  Henry on stage singing with his class, then pictures with Mrs. Harney, Memere & Pepere, Mommy, and Max.  Daddy was away on business and missed this.  Sniff!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Field Day 2018

Henry's fifth field day.  I've been lucky to have been at all of them!

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Graduation Party

A party in Bedford NH for cousin Alex's college graduation.