Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Day 2018

Our first Christmas in North Carolina!  Got a lot of stuff from Santa including a new desk to go with the 27" iMac he inherited from Daddy!  On a sentimental note: I bought Liane a trivet with our new Pittsboro zip code and we got a package in the mail from MaryAnn Ivers with a trivet with our old Amesbury zip code!  We have the side-by-side next to our stove.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Sentiments from Home

We got a big package of gifts in the mail from MaryAnn Ivers.  The card has a lovely picture of the Amesbury Upper Millyard in winter.  Her inscription about watching Henry grow up brings a tear to my every time I read it.  They were really great neighbors and MaryAnn and Henry were so close when he was a baby (he called her "May-Yann").  Hard to believe we didn't have a child when we moved there in 2006.  Henry's whole life took place on that cul-de-sac.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Pre-Christmas Fun

Back to the Soda Shoppe for me and Henry.  They have NY City style old fashioned chocolate egg creams, but this time we went with the standard ice cream float.  Later Henry made gingerbread cookies.

Sunday, December 9, 2018


11 inches in Bynum!  Locals told us it's the biggest storm they've seen in twenty years!  I think we brought it with us from New England.  p.s. Liane thought I was crazy to pack my cross-country ski gear when we moved South, but it only took a month before I used it - skied all over the neighborhood.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Interior Decorating

Aunt Gertrude's rug has returned!  It fit so well in the Beverly apartments (1997-2006), but didn't find a place in the Amesbury house.  So after a brief 12-year hiding in storage, it's back!  We decided it looks best in the new dining room.