Sunday, June 30, 2019

Leuven, Day 2

Day two, we did a LOT of walking (Liane's Apple watch said we walked 8 miles).  Saw lots of Leuven.  Stopped by Stefan and Carla's and it turned into a party.  Including Miren and Jan.  Last time we hung out in that yard was 2006 before Henry was born!

Monique's Apartment

I first visited 62 Overwinningstraat when Monique moved there in late 1993.  After 26 years and 11 trips to Belgium, I finally get to share this with Henry.  And the Broodautomaat is still there!

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Henry Arrives in Belgium!

Middle of the night East Coast time, morning in Belgium.  Henry arriving in Zaventem airport and then the center of Leuven.  The day we arrived was the hottest June 29th on record in Leuven (98 degrees Fahrenheit).  Global warming, yikes!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

New Laptop

Henry got a giant laptop as a 5th Grade graduation present from Nana and Pop Pop.  Henry is a Mac guy with an iPad and iMac, but is now learning Windows!!

Friday, June 7, 2019

Last Day of Fifth Grade

The years go so quickly.  Henry was only in this class at Perry Harrison since mid-November, but he has touched a lot of people.  Mrs. Register is his homeroom and math teacher.  She gave him this card and started to cry when she hugged him goodbye.  ðŸ’•

Citizenship Award Ceremony - Video

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Citizenship Award

We are so proud of Henry.  This is the second time (the other time was 1st grade) that Henry has won an award acknowledging that he makes the classroom a better place for the other students and the teachers.  He could win all the academic awards in the world and it wouldn't be as wonderful as being recognized for the kind, sweet, empathetic person he is.  We love you, Henry!!!

Citizenship Award Ceremony

A great ceremony for the Citizenship Awards at Perry Harrison Elementary School

Sunday, June 2, 2019

NC State Zoo

The top pictures were taken ten years apart, almost to the day!  June 01, 2009 at the Roger Williams Zoo in Providence, Rhode Island; and June 02, 2019 at the North Carolina State Zoo in Asheboro.  Henry may be going into sixth grade, but after a long day at the zoo he still fell asleep in the car like a little baby.  My boy!!