Saturday, April 17, 2021

Henry's Chapel Hill Gang

Outdoor Luncheon


Henry had a play date (first in 7 months) with Ana and her sister Cici and Cici's friend.  Ana's mother fixed a proper Brazilian lunch of steak and rice with farofa (seasoned yucca powder).

Wednesday, April 7, 2021


Henry got to see Memere and Pepere for the first time in over a year.  He's become a card sharp and is an expert at the game Uno.  We spent a quiet week on the beach but made one trip to Wilmington.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Easter 2021

 You're never too old for an Easter basket.  Even 7th graders like chocolate bunnies!  [Note the hand sanitizer to remind us we're still in a pandemic]

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Topsail Beach

Just moved in for a week at North Topsail Beach.  Henry is very excited to see palm trees.  This is the most northerly we've seen palmettos.