Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Very Sick Boy

It's hard to describe what we went through for a few weeks with Henry.  Monday June 24, 2013 Henry said he had a stiff knee and a pain in the back of his neck.  The next day he started running 102 degree fevers every seven hours.  This went on for ten days.

On July 1 Henry had to have his first blood draw.  He was very brave.  The poor boy got stung by a yellow jacket just as Liane and he were leaving the house to go to the Dr for the blood draw.  The redness around his eyes was an allergic reaction to the bee sting!

On July 2 Henry's temperature spiked to 104 and he ended up in the emergency room at Anna Jaques hospital in Newburyport.  In a panic they sent us to Tufts Children's hospital in Boston to see a rheumatologist.  It was a long, scary night, but Henry bounced back fast.  The fevers went away on July 4th and he was healthy as a horse.  I was shocked on July 8th to finally get the blood test results for Lyme disease .... positive.  He's on amoxcillin for three weeks.  So far (today is July 20th) he's doing great.  This picture will always remind me how sick a child can get in so brief a period of time.  The ride to Tufts was the most frightening night of my life.

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